Know Your Customer Check
KYC Check is a web service that utilizes a vast repository of data from various sources to verify the identity of individuals for Know Your Customer (KYC) purposes. The service efficiently compares provided information (name, aliases, date of birth, etc.) against entries within the combined database
Check on sanctions lists and related
KYC Check efficiently screens individuals and entities against global sanctions lists and debarred entities databases. It empowers businesses to mitigate risks associated with financial crime and comply with regulatory requirements. Our database includes all known lists maintained by governments, international organizations, and regulatory bodies worldwide
Check on crime lists
The service aggregates data from a wide range of sources, including national and international crime databases, missing persons lists, and warrant databases. This ensures a thorough search across various jurisdictions.
Check on PEP lists
KYC Check provides comprehensive screening against Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) lists from various countries worldwide. It continuously updates its databases to ensure users have access to the most current and accurate information for effective compliance.
Check on billionaire lists
KYC Check provides comprehensive profiles for identified billionaires, potentially including their source of wealth. This offers a first sight over their background and potential areas of interest.
IntelAlert is the most advanced service issued by our team. The goal is to provide a dynamic solution, able to offer the identification and a profile of the target, whilst always looking for updates on the given search..
Target Identification
Following the collection of online information about a potential target, a thorough identification process is crucial to ensure accuracy, avoid misidentification, and comply with ethical considerations. This feature is always performed by an analyst work
Basic Profile Creation
This feature make use of the collected information provided by search engines and verification tools to create a basic target profile.
Recursive Updates
This solution is designed to keep target profiles updated through recurring searches. Different sources will be searched during each update cycle including social media platforms, public databases, news websites and other online repositories.

Know Your Art Report
This service provides comprehensive information and analysis regarding specific artworks. It leverages various data sources and expertise to produce detailed reports encompassing provenance, market status, ownership history, potential sanctions concerns, and other relevant details.
Artwork Identification
Users can submit information about the artwork, including artist, title, medium, and any available identifying details. The service may employ image recognition or other techniques to assist in accurate identification.
Data Aggregation and Verification:
This feature utilizes a combination of internal databases, external partner data sources, and expert research to gather information about the artwork's provenance, ownership, property rights and other additional details such as authenticity certificates, exhibition catalogs an restoration history.
Report generation
This solution is designed to keep target profiles updated through recurring searches. Different sources will be searched during each update cycle including social media platforms, public databases, news websites and other online repositories.

Advanced Report
This Strongroom service provide in-depth insights into your target's background, activities, and potential risks. This report provides a comprehensive overview of a certain target based on extensive investigation and analysis. The information presented can be used for various purposes, including informed decision-making, risk assessment, and due diligence processes.
KYC Check
Confirmation of identity/existence through official records and public databases
The analyst uses AMOS system for establish the individual or entity identification, check the presence of the target in all the sanction or negative lists. The presence on internet of negative news are also checked.
Reputational risks check
Biographical and Bussines activity details
Where available we check educational background, professional experience, and personal interests, past and present professional ventures, affiliations, and partnerships as well as social media activity and public persona.
Deep understanding of public profile
Individuals with ultimate control over the company's ownership and decision-making
This section make an evaluation of potential risks associated with identified UBOs through the creation of a map of ownership chains and controlling entities
the creation of a map of ownership chains
For Companies
Company Ownership and Participation
Breakdown of ownership percentages held by different entities and individuals, identification of interconnected companies and potential conflicts of interest, analysis of collaborative ventures and potential exposure to partner risks, analysis of past compliance issues or regulatory violations
Potential exposure to partner risks
Legal Exposure
Ongoing legal proceedings or judgments against the target.
Identification of any ongoing legal proceedings or judgments against the target, assessment of potential involvement in regulatory inquiries or investigations.
Assessment of potential involvement in regulatory inquiries or investigations
Financial Status
Review of available financial statements to assess financial health and stability
Review of Financial Statements, evaluation of financial health and stability, creditworthiness and potential borrowing capacity, identification of outstanding debts and potential financial obligations
Financial health and stability Analysis
Public Relations and Roles
Analysis of involvement in other organizations and potential conflicts of interest
This section covers the review of news articles, press releases, and media mentions, public appearances and speeches delivered by the target, analysis of involvement in other organizations and potential conflicts of interest
Media Cover Analysis for affiliations and influence undestanding
Public Family Relations
Business or financial connections between the target and family members
This section covers the identification of close family members and their potential influence and the evaluation of potential reputational risks associated with family members
Analysis of any business or financial connections between the target and family members
Market Analysis
This Strongroom service makes a research on existing market research reports, industry publications, and government data sources and operates advanced statistical techniques to identify trends, patterns, and correlations within the data concerning a specific market. The goal is to empower businesses with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the competitive landscape, optimize their offerings, and achieve sustainable success.
Market Overview
This service provides an understanding of the overall market size and its projected growth trajectory, identifies different segments within the market based on demographics, behavior, needs and highlights key trends influencing consumer behavior and purchasing decisions
"understand the overall market size, growth and features"
Competitive Landscape
In this section the analyst provides insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of key competitors, outlines the market share distribution among different competitors and identifies potential opportunities
"understand the strategies of key competitors"
Consumer Insights
When part of the report scope, the analyst identifies the specific needs, wants, and preferences of target consumers. When studies available, this service uncovers consumer decision-making processes and purchasing habits.
"undestand the preferences of target consumers"
Actionable Recommendations
This service recommends effective marketing and sales strategies to reach target audiences and achieve business objectives. The analyst may provide also insights for developing new products or improving existing offerings based on consumer preferences, or he may suggest optimal pricing strategies and promotional tactics to attract and retain customers
"formulate the starting points of a strategy"
Custom Investigation
This service empowers users with the ability to request reports and analyses on a wide range of topics, leveraging diverse data sources and expert insights to deliver comprehensive and actionable information.
Users can submit requests for reports on various topics of interest, specifying their desired scope, timeframe, and any relevant keywords or filters
The service employs AMOS sophisticated data ecosystem accessing vast repositories of information, including news articles, financial data, social media content, and government records.
Leveraging the expertise of researchers and analysts to interpret data, identify trends, and draw meaningful conclusions, this intel service allows you to gain a deeper understanding of evolving trends, emerging risks, and potential opportunities within your specific area of interest.